Travel Images

Got Pierogis?

Watching the travel channel one day we caught a glimpse of the Pierogifest in Whiting Indiana. Seeing as how we have relatives in Chicago we decided to make a quick trip back home and see what all this silliness was about. We spend the day at the Pierogifest eating good polish food, listening to the Polka band, and a Polish Elvis! Bought myself a pierogi bracelet, some pierogi soap, a pierogi pin, well you get the idea-Pierogi everywhere! To see more click here.

Mom and Barb stand for liberty! and pierogi.
Mom and Barb stand for liberty! and pierogi.
Pierogi's cooking everywhere
Pierogi's cooking everywhere
a feast...
a feast...
Pierogifest 2009
Pierogifest 2009
Kids · Video of the week!

Lucy Girl

It’s always fun walking into an unexpected situation. It was too cold and foggy out so we just decided to do Lucy’s session at home! She was wonderful. She loves her cat Georgie – who didn’t run away from me and did rather well when it was his turn to smile. Mom wanted this session in order to capture what only happens once in a lifetime, the infamous missing two front teeth…Lucy clowned around for the camera but also gave me the sweet innocent look of childhood. Enjoy this little video!

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Video of the week! · weddings

Judy & Chris tie the knot in Seattle

It was a special day when Judy and Chris went before the judge…to get married! Small and intimate, surrounded by family and close friends. We started at the Edgewater, moved on to Pier 66 and then headed for the courthouse for a very important date! Rings were exchanged and the happy couple then headed to Chinatown for dinner at Ho Ho Restaurant. Enjoy this little video.

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Fauntleroy Neighborhood · West Seattle Art Walk

Official West Seattle Artwalk participant!

I’m happy to say that I am now part of the monthly West Seattle Artwalk. July is my first official showing entitled “Marley and Me” featuring images taken by my cats Marley and Luna. Stop by when the sign is out and take a peek at these unique visions! Just $35 each! framed
West Seattle Artwalk poster