Tips for great photo sessions

Fab family portraits-
Search the web for a pro whose images you love. Do you like their style? Are the images in focus? Is the lighting attractive? Contact them. Did you get a good vibe? Connecting with your photographer will certainly enhance the experience. Now book it! Don’t put it off any longer. You don’t know how many times I’ve heard “..we just lost (fill in the blank); wish they were here with us.”

What time of day should we schedule? Early morning or just before sunset is always lovely. However, any professional should be able to work with you no matter what time of day! Remember, a bright sunny day is not always the perfect day. We prefer to look for shaded areas with pockets of open sky. No squinty eyes!

Dress the part! Bright, solid colors work well against seascapes, while quiet shades of blue, gray, green, white and khaki work well when you want to showcase the entire family. Mostly we prefer you stick to one tone so that the group looks cohesive. The best style is the one that reflects your family’s personality.

Oh, don’t forget to have fun! I find that the best portraits usually happen at the very beginning or the very end. While being posed to create the ultimate composition there is always time to let loose and really have fun! Build a pyramid, jump in the air, chase each other – enjoy being around each other.

Here are some tips for a successful child portrait
– Simplicity is the golden rule in just about any portrait.
– Props aren’t always necessary.
– Pastel colors and white work great for little ones.
Save the bolder colors for later!
– Dresses and bib overalls, khakis, and sweaters help create that timeless look.
– ‘themes’ can be fun at certain ages:  tea party,  bedtime – your imagination is the limit!
– Feel free to bring props for your child – a favorite toy or blanket – whatever will make your child feel more at home.