General Sessions · Kids

Blonde hair and blue eyes…

I don’t know how anyone can resist these blonde hair & blue eyes.  Say hello to Saoirse Ronan Lawlor. His mom purchased a gift certificate from one of the local auctions so we just had to do some fun outdoor stuff. Saoirse loves the water and was more than delighted to have his photo taken down by the anchor on Alki. It was exceptionally hot that day so when I suggested he take his shoes off and run through the surf he didn’t hesitate!

Current · weddings

On top of Queen Anne

I love weddings no matter how big or small…and Jamie and Ben had the perfect small wedding on top of Queen Anne. With just family members on hand 14 people gathered at the top of the hill to watch as their best friend performed a short ceremony uniting the two lovebirds. Laughter and love was in the air!

Current · Kids

Side by side in Georgetown

A client of mine asked if I had any ideas on entertaining her nephew while he was in town. He likes art of all sorts of art so I said I could help by providing some photo assignments. When I found out he loved graffiti I had to go along so we agreed to meet in Georgetown starting at Stellar Pizza for lunch. He told me has was busy taking metal working class in the mornings and was making a bike! How ambitious. We ate our pizza and headed on down the road. I thought it would be fun if we both shot with our simple point and shoot cameras (so as not to say one was better cuz the camera was bigger!) We shot side by side throughout Georgetown …. I think we BOTH have a pretty good eye!  What do you think?  Click here for a side by side comparison of our creative shots. (TJ’s image is usually first and identified with TJ while mine follows his and is labled with a GT)

Here’s TJ ‘interpreting’ this graffiti wall for me!